Welcome to the magical world of Tribal Fusion

About me
My name is Alisa Ovsiannikova, and dancing is my passion!
Since the age of four, I have been exploring the world of dance, delving into classical choreography, Russian folk and ballroom dances, hip-hop, contemporary, and, of course, oriental dance.

However, it was tribal fusion that truly captivated me. This style allows me to express my thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

A pivotal moment in my dance journey occurred when I met my mentor and inspiration, Kremneva Yana (Kremushka). Since 2012, Yana has been guiding me in the world of dance with unique energy and aesthetic beauty of Tribal Fusion.

I currently live in the Netherlands and study Regenerative Medicine programme at Maastricht University.
Since 2017, I have been a member of the Kremushki dance project. We performed at various festivals in Russia, Belarus, Greece, France and Germany, and participated in dance projects.

I am the winner of different competitions and battles, participation in which helps me grow and develop.
I often perform and give Tribal Fusion workshops at festivals in Europe.

Also I teach courses online and I invite you to join my classes. One course lasts one month, during which we study in detail one Tribal Fusion combo, especially prepared by me for each course!

Hope to see you!
Join my online course

I invite you to participate in my Tribal Fusion online course right now!
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